Dear DeFiat Community,
The future is now and upgrades are already here.
Thanks to DeFiat’s ecosystem contract structure, we have the ability to upgrade the governance and the points contracts without having to touch DFT.
Enters DFTPv2 and DeFiat’s new Governance contracts.
Both already have been upgraded and deployed on the Mainnet:
- DeFiat Points v2 (DFTPv2):
- DeFiat Governance:
What Changed?
1. DFTPv2 was minted at a rate 10x of the previous DFTP.
2. DFTPv2 is now minted whenever transferring 5 or more DFT.
3. DFTPv2 can now be earned when trading DFT on Uniswap.
4. DFTPv2 is now managed directly from the Governance contract. This simplifies its management and removes the risk of governance desynchronization.
Why These Numbers?
DFTPv2 was created with Regulator in mind. DFTPv2 will be initially pegged to 1/10th DFT’s price on the Regulator release. As such, we adjusted to the token supply to match this increase, while keeping the discount levels the same. This allows more users to access the discount saving features of the DFT token while supporting the next product launch.
Airdrop Incoming? Nope… It already happened!
DFTPv2 was airdropped to users at a rate of 10 to 1 to match new transfer conditions (see above). Users already received an airdrop if they met any of the following conditions:
- Held 5 or more DFTP on the 6th of Dec 2020 (right before the exploit)
- Signed up for the AnyStake Testnet
DFTPv2 Liquidity was locked until Dec 31, 2021 here:
Trade DFTPv2 here:
DFTPv2 will be used to stake in the Regulator and allow users to earn DFT rewards, while at the same time regulating the price of both assets through it’s stablecoin-like features (via automated market making).
Uniswap Liquidity Tokens for DFTPv2 (DFTPv2/ETH UNI-V2) can also be staked for maximum AnyStake rewards with no additional withdrawal fees.
Bottom line
DFTP is back… with a purpose.
More than the management of discounts, DFTPv2 will act as a price enhancer for DFT, making buybacks when needed. Also, it’s becoming an important part of the AnyStake product suite, via the Regulator.
— The DeFiat Team