Over the past weeks, we have compiled and graded the bounty submissions.
Today we would like to publicly announce winners of our Anystake Bounty campaign!
It was hard to find ONE winner… we had to pick TWO…and to do this we increased the amount of DFT rewards in the process!
The users mentioned have been chosen as the top submission for the content campaigns and they will be rewarded handsomely for their dedication to our community!
And the winners are…
1st place @Bitillionaire_ !
During the campaign, he made over 50 submissions! He’s one of our preferred member in the tg. Great guy, always pushing DeFiat, it’s really no surprise to see him wining.
You guys should all follow him on Twitter, he deserves that!
@Bitillionaire_, congratulations, you are winning 1250 DFT tokens!
2nd place goes to @TradeQuantum!
You really pushed a lot for this campaign. Your prize is 750 DFT!
Let’s also follow him on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TradeQuantum
To all participants, we appreciate our support A LOT! Thank you!
As a result, the rest of the participants who took part in the campaign and filled out the document, also are going to receive DFT tokens as well.
(Note: It will take time for us to do this, be patient)
Once again, congratulations to those who have submitted!
We are thrilled to have everyone be a part of Defiat community!
— The DeFiat team.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefiatOfficial (NEW)
Discord: https://discord.gg/fjHpaAr
Telegram: https://t.me/defiat_crypto